Practical Tips for the First-Time Home Buyer

The decision to go from renter to homeowner is a big one. When you own your own home there are…

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6 Situations Where Paying Off Your Mortgage Isn’t Always the Best Strategy

You might be considering the idea of putting extra money toward your mortgage payment to eliminate your mortgage debt more…

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How to Buy the House of Your Dreams Even with a Low Credit Score

It’s reassuring to know that the large sum of money you’re putting towards your home each month is going towards…

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Choosing the Right Mortgage Provider for You

Financing a home is a decision that will most likely affect your budget over the next thirty years. Many homeowners…

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Nine Ways to Have Fun Being Productive at Home

Certain chores around the house are boring no matter how you look at them. Others, however, can actually be fun. With some creative thinking, you can enjoy yourself while you’re being productive. Just keep an open mind as you search for creative ideas. Here are nine ways to have fun being productive at home: Listen…

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A Useful Guide for Sharing a Home Office with Your Partner

Does your house seem smaller since the pandemic started? Many families feel more cramped with 2 adults working at home, especially if you need to share your workspace with your partner. This may be the first time you’ve seen their work habits up close or counted how many dirty coffee cups they leave behind in…

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7 Ways to Reduce Stress in Your Home

Does this picture describe your happy home? The baby’s crying while you hurriedly put the fast food on the table, the dog is throwing up on the floor, the hubby’s got the TV on full-blast, and your teenager just angrily slammed the door on his way out.  Unfortunately, it’s a typical scene for many of…

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Top 10 Communication Skills for a Loving Environment at Home

Is your home the peaceful, happy place you always wanted it to be? A loving environment is essential to a happy family life. But as much as you love your partner and kids, frustrations, disagreements, and arguments can allow an entirely different atmosphere to permeate the entire house. One negative word leads to another, all…

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15 Art Therapy Exercises You Can Do at Home

Art therapy is an interesting field of mental health care that is based on the premise that expressing yourself creatively can enhance well-being and promote emotional healing. It can also boost self-awareness. While there are licensed art therapists, you can do many of the same art therapy exercises at home that you would do in…

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9 Ways to Practice Personal Development From the Comfort of Your Home

Perhaps you’re stuck at home for whatever reason, but that doesn’t mean your personal development has to be put on hold. There are plenty of ways to continue developing yourself without leaving home. There’s always a way if you’re committed and motivated. In fact, you probably have more free time on your hands than you…

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The Top 6 Home Improvements with the Best Return

Many home improvements are little more than money pits. Some improvements don’t even appeal to many homebuyers. Over $200 billion is spent every year on home renovations, but how many of those dollars are spent in a way that truly improves the value of the home? Many people are shocked at how little their improvements…

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Is Working From Home a Good Choice for You?

Do you fantasize about waking up in the morning, walking sleepily down the hall to your home office with a steaming Cup of Joe, and plopping down in your chair to start working? Imagine the amount of money you’ll save on gas, clothing, and childcare working from home. With today’s technology, it’s possible to make…

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Perform a Silent Retreat Without Leaving Home

It’s not necessary to go to a fancy meditation retreat in the mountains if you want a few days of silence. What’s the point? You can do that at home and save yourself some money. Maybe you don’t have the time or money to travel. You can do just as well on your own at…

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Fall Home Cleaning Projects Provide Teachable Moments for Your Kids

As summer shifts into fall, the kids return to school and you settle in for whatever the season brings. For many of us, this means tasks around the house. Including the children in home cleaning will provide you with plenty of opportunities for teachable moments.  Whether you plan to clean from floor to ceiling or…

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